Have you ever been in debt and tried to climb out of it? It’s not for sissies.
Hi, I’m Rex Rogers and this is episode #196 of Discerning What Is Best, a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, and a Christian worldview to current issues and everyday life.
Not long ago, indeed in my lifetime, debt, especially what was called profligate living beyond one's means, was considered morally questionable or at least unwise. Families diligently attempted to avoid bad debt and to get out of debt. Amazingly, there was a time when even politicians worked to balance budgets.
Now, it seems, American culture not only tolerates but embraces debt. We think we are entitled to live our vision of the good life, or what we think society “owes” us. We want our cake and eat it too. We want, regardless of the cost to ourselves, our nation’s wellbeing, or our progeny.
We did not invent this suspect moral philosophy. It goes back to ancient civilizations. Yet as we’ve embraced the idea that one never has to pay the piper, we’ve conveniently forgotten that one of the reasons many of those ancient civilizations are “no more” is not a lack of natural resources nor absence of ingenuity, but their unwillingness to acknowledge basic economics. Many old empires crumbled under the weight of their own debt.
Interestingly, scripture never says debt is a sin, but it does strongly state that debt is dangerous: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender” (Prov. 22:7). Scripture also states that one is responsible for one’s debts: “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another” (Rom. 13:8). “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously” (Ps 37:21).
I first spoke about debt in this podcast August 2022. At that time the U.S. National Debt had just surpassed $30 trillion for the first time ever. Now, the U.S. National Debt stands at $36.5 trillion. If you want to scare yourself, go to usdebtclock.org and look at the National Debt Clock. The debt does not really “stand.” It moves faster than you can count. In late 2025, the U.S. National Debt will reach 100% of the American GDP or Gross Domestic Product. Every day, the U.S. spends $2.6 billion in interest alone. "This amounts to over $106K per person in America."
We know what causes this debt: aging population, rising healthcare costs, higher interest rates, a tax system that does not bring in enough money to pay for what government promises citizens. But even more, its government spending wantonly on programs and initiatives offering little-to-no return on investment and not in the national interest. It is government largesse granted by both sides of the partisan aisle.
Recently, in a White House conversation with leaders of the Trump Administration, Elon Musk said, “Just the interest on the national debt now exceeds the Defense Department spending. We spend a lot on the Defense Department, but we're spending like $1 trillion on interest. If this continues, the country will go, become de facto bankrupt." What he is saying, and he is correct, is this trend is not sustainable.
“On November 12, (2024, President) Donald Trump announced…the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), a newly created entity focused on reducing government expenditures, slashing regulations and enacting cost-cutting initiatives throughout the federal government.” DOGE has been working rapidly ever since, and as I write, has identified $105 billion in waste, fraud, or abuse, cutting programs and shutting down entire departments like USAID.
This kind of work—budget reduction, cost cutting, restructuring or re-engineering—is rare to the point of near-non-existent in government. Consequently, when you add political partisanship to the mix, this Trump Administration effort to put the U.S. on healthy financial footing has triggered scores of Chicken Littles running around saying, “The sky is falling.” And, it has made Elon Musk the new Hitlerian man to hate and at whom to level death threats, and a man accused of stealing, lying, and helping Trump destroy democracy.
Cal Thomas said it well: “Our problem is that too many Americans have become over-reliant on government to take care of them, while ignoring the old Puritan ethic of self-reliance. Politicians have been fine with this because it contributes to their careers and power. That attitude has contributed to our $36 trillion national debt and inflation, which the administration, with the help of Elon Musk and his DOGE squad, are trying to reduce.”
In business, there’s a job called “turnaround specialist.” This person, usually with a financial background, and usually not staying long in any one location or corporation, markets him or herself as the one who, when a company finds itself upside down and sinking fast financially, a corporate board appoints at the top with complete authority, charging the turnaround specialist with righting the corporate ship, with – hear this – saving the company. The turnaround specialist is not there to save jobs, not there to preserve traditions or honor the departed. The turnaround specialist is there to do what must be done inside the corporation to – hopefully – make it possible for the business to survive into the future.
This is not fun for the people who work there, in part because, generally speaking, 75% of an organization’s costs involve personnel, so if the turnaround specialist is going to make a dent in costs and debt, personnel jobs must be eliminated.
Years ago, when we lived near New York City and I was a newly appointed Vice President of Academic Affairs at a small college north of the city, I read about the renowned and redoubtable Macy’s department store, founded in 1858. Amazingly, this company known for its flagship store at Herald Square and for supporting the Thanksgiving Day Parade down Broadway, was on the rocks financially. Macy’s “filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection on January 27, 1992, after which point its banks brought in a new management team, which shut several underperforming stores, jettisoned two-thirds of the luxury I. Magnin chain, and reduced Macy's to two divisions, Macy's East and Macy's West.”
That new management team included a “turnaround specialist.” I remember walking into our NY kitchen and saying to my wife, Sarah, “How would you like to be this guy’s wife?” People were booing, sneering, and whistling at the turnaround specialists’ spouse at the supermarket, and I believe there was even a case of slashed tires. In other words, while the specialist was very well paid, the public and many employees hated that guy. He did his job, rescued Macy’s, which thrives today, and then presumably he “got out of Dodge.”
When I served as president at Cornerstone University, we experienced a year like this in which, due to a drop in enrollment, we had to lay off several staff members. It was the hardest thing I was ever involved in as an administrative leader.
Be sure of this: it is not easy or pleasant to hear we have lost our job, and it is not easy or pleasant to inform someone they have lost their job. And unlike the turnaround specialist at a large corporation like Macy’s or DOGE in a massive U.S. government, I knew the people involved. It hurt. But to save the institution what we did had to be done. I remember the university Board saying to me later, “You’re young enough you’ll likely have to go through this again in your career.”
I thought, “Thanks a lot,” but I also discovered that four or five trustees had gone through layoffs in their company, two others had gone through this twice in their careers, and one, three times.
Recently, on a Fox news Bret Baier “Special Report” panel, panelist Jessica Tarlov challenged another panelist with “Well, how many people do you want to lay off?” She was trying to say that already, enough is enough, and the prospect of more federal employees being laid off was too great a hurt for her to imagine. She saw the exercise and she evaluated DOGE in terms of how many jobs would be saved. But this is not why DOGE exists.
Now again, it’s not easy or pleasant to lay people off. No one wants to do this, even turnaround specialists. But the goal here is not jobs, but how many dollars must be cut to reach a level of financial expenditure that gets the U.S. government budget to a sustainable level, where we know we’ve righted the ship?
Losing a job is not fun. But it is not the end of the world. Losing a job is not capital punishment. A lot of us have experienced this somewhere along the way. And many who lose their federal jobs are being given significant severance, and they will find other jobs.
It’s much easier to spend money, to add to a budget deficit and a national debt, than it is to reduce spending and create a balanced budget and a workable national debt. Cutting will be unpleasant, but the goal is worth it.
It’s not unlike dieting. It’s easier to eat what we want and gain weight than it is to deny our desires and lose weight.
The national debt looms. It’s like a ticking time bomb just as dangerous as nukes. Do we have the moral fortitude to dismantle it for the good of our grandchildren?
Well, we’ll see you again soon. This podcast is about Discerning What Is Best. If you find this thought-provoking and helpful, follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Download an episode for your friends. For more Christian commentary, check my website, r-e-x-m as in Martin, that’s rexmrogers.com. Or check my YouTube channel @DrRexRogers for more podcasts and video.
And remember, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2025
Is back-breaking debt what’s going to bring the world to its knees in the End Times?
Hi, I’m Rex Rogers and this is episode #65 of Discerning What Is Best, a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, and a Christian worldview to current issues and everyday life.
During WWII, some of our forebears thought Hitler was the Antichrist and that he’d bring about the end of the world as we knew it. Given the level of evil he and the Nazis instituted in a roughly twenty-year reign of terror, I can’t say that I blame anyone for thinking this way.
During the Cold War with the USSR in the 1950s and 60s, we thought the end of the world might someday come from what we then called “thermo-nuclear war.”
I remember the same concerns when I was in graduate school during the late 70s, early 80s, studying for degrees in political science. We talked about nuclear arms, MAD or Mutually Assured Destruction, ICBMs, intercontinental ballistic missiles, and a few other scenarios involving “nukes.”
Interestingly, whether intellectuals speculated end of the world scenarios sourced in international geo-politics, vast armies, space age weaponry like “Star Wars,” or whether theologians drew them from biblical prophecy, most of us, as I recall, didn’t think about debt.
Yet national debt, deficit spending, and unbalanced budgets are now among the greatest threats to future wellbeing in the West, if not the world.
Today, the United States is $31.5 Trillion in debt. I cannot comprehend this, and no offense, I’m guessing you can’t either.
In 2011, I wrote a similar piece like this on debt. The total national debt figure I used just twelve years ago was $15T, less than one-half what it is now. If you want to scare yourself, go to usdebtclock.org and look at the digital displays moving faster than you can count the dollars aloud.
America has the largest national debt in the world. With a population of over 333 million, that means a debt burden of $94,219 per citizen and equates to a US federal debt to gross domestic product or GDP ratio of 121.5%, according to USdebtclock.org. Think of the GDP as sort of the asset or positive side of the ledger, whereas debt, what’s owed, is the negative side. Clearly, at 121.5% we’re upside down. We owe more than we could presently pay.
Using 2022 statistics, other nations in the world are in a similar quandary. Japan has the highest public debt to GDP ratio of 288.31% and a national debt of $15.2T.
Italy carries $3.8T in national debt, against its GDP of 176.81%, followed by France's 130.64% ratio and debt of $3.7T. The United Kingdom debt load is $3.4T, giving it a ratio of 103.61%. Germany is similar with $3.4 trillion in debt, but the country's ratio is much lower at 76.46%. Canada and Russia also are all in debt with poor GDP ratios.
Now that’s a lot of statistics, but the bottom line, pun intended, is that
“the world is in debt. A record amount of debt. Three hundred trillion dollars, to be exact…That number is about 349% of global gross domestic product, and the equivalent of $37,500 of debt for every single person in the world.”
“There is no easy way out of a global debt crisis…Avoiding a crisis will require unpopular actions and a “great reset” of policymaker mindset. That may mean more cautious lending, curbing overconsumption and restructuring projects or entities that don’t make a profit.”
For the US, “the possibility of reaching the self-imposed cap on how much money the US government can borrow currently looms large…Congress can avoid the partial government shutdowns, potential cash flow shortfalls and even the possibility of default by simply raising the ceiling as it has in the past.”
But should the ceiling be raised, as it has so many times before?
Even the economic powerhouse China is looking at major trouble on the horizon. China “carries roughly a third of the debt load as the U.S. at $10.8T, with a public debt to GDP ratio of 61.94%.”However, because China’s government attempted to play God and control birthrates, forcing a one-child policy on Chinese families for the past sixty years, China now faces a huge demographic crisis with more people dying than are born.
In 2015, the Chinese Communist leadership admitted their mistake in the one-child policy and has since been allowing all married couples to have two children. “Total births in China have now fallen for six straight years, and the United Nations’ middle-of-the-road projections find that by the end of the century, the country’s total population will have fallen below 800 million people, a level it hasn’t been since the late 1960s. Unlike then, when the median Chinese was in their highly productive early 20s, that smaller China will be far older.”
This nation of 1.4 billion people shrinking to 800 million represents a drop in economic power that is unimaginable.
Finally, we’re coming to understand that demographics and economics go hand in hand, that government sterilization policies in China, that abortion on demand in the West, not only reduces population growth but reduces economic potential and prosperity.
Interesting isn’t it, that in the book of Genesis 1:27-28, it is recorded, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.”
God’s will is for parents to procreate and produce children, and he blessed population growth.
In 1798, an English cleric, Robert Malthus, “saw population growth as inevitable whenever conditions improved, thereby precluding real progress towards a utopian society…His philosophy gave birth to Malthusianism, the idea “that population growth is potentially exponential while the growth of the food supply or other resources is linear, which eventually reduces living standards to the point of triggering a population die off. This event (is) called a Malthusian catastrophe.”
Some birth control advocates and radical environmentalists have drawn from Malthus, considering humanity the problem that needs reduced or, oddly, eliminated.
Yet we see now that population growth and economic well-being go together, as God said, “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth.”
And then there’s debt.
It could be that in God’s providence what finally gets the world’s attention is the need to pay the piper.
Debt can only so long be ignored. Look now at what’s happening in Iran. It may be rampant inflation and a broken economy, not simply political protests, that produces regime change.
The root of the debt problem worldwide, though, is not lack of resources or ingenuity. It is a problem of moral philosophy. The root of the debt problem is humanity’s unwillingness to live within our means, to not mortgage our children’s or our country’s future.
The Scripture tells us we are accountable to God for how we manage our assets, the time, talent, and treasure God gives us. Irresponsible debt is not part of this picture. The Bible says, "The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously," (Ps 37:21). Repaying our debts honors God and is the morally right thing to do.
Debt enslaves us. “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender,” (Prov 22:7). Given our rapidly expanding national debt, the U.S. is in bad shape.
But Doomsday Debt is not a given, and we should not give up hope. The problem can be fixed. We are blessed with resources, opportunity, ingenuity, and as long as Jesus’ tarries his coming, time.
Question is, can we redevelop the moral vision to do right and do well?
Well, we’ll see you again soon. This podcast is about Discerning What Is Best. If you find this thought-provoking and helpful, follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Download an episode for your friends. For more Christian commentary, check my website, r-e-x-m as in Martin, that’s rexmrogers.com.
And remember, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2023
*This podcast blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact me or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com/, or connect with me at www.linkedin.com/in/rexmrogers
Have you wondered what socialist ideas can do to a society? I’ve met two men in my life who were born and spent their youth in Cuba, then had harrowing immigration stories about how their parents got them to America. What a difference this family sacrifice made upon their lives.
Hi, I’m Rex Rogers and this is episode #62 of Discerning What Is Best, a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, and a Christian worldview to current issues and everyday life.
Ever think much about Cuba? My guess is that if you have thought of Cuba, it was through the lens of Castro and Communism, or similar negative images. And that’s the sad point. Cuba is a story of what might have been.
Cuba is the largest island in the Caribbean, about the size of the state of Virginia. Actually, there are 4,000 smaller islands plus the larger island. The islands feature powdery white sand beaches and a turquoise-colored ocean. The main island is mostly grassy plains but also features beautiful mountains.
“Cuba was once known as the “Pearl of the Antilles” as it was the Spanish empire’s most-important source of raw sugar during the 18th century… Cuba is famous for its birdwatching, with over 350 different varieties of birds, two dozen of which are endemic...” And, of course, famous for its cigars.
Cuba is an incredibly beautiful environment, average temperature per year in the 70s and 80s. It’s another Florida – except for one critical difference.
Florida is free, democratic, and operates with a free enterprise capitalist economy. Cuba, since 1959, has been governed as a socialist country following Marxist-Leninist ideology.
“Those who crowded the streets of Havana in 1959, hoping that the fall of (Sergeant Fulgencio) Batista’s crony capitalism would usher in a period of human progress, have been sadly disappointed. Anyone interested in what prevents economic and human progress can learn many lessons from Cuba’s stagnation. Cuba joined the long list of countries where central planning and state ownership have turned out to be a detour on the route to progress and prosperity.”
“The government in Cuba is a self-described socialist-Marxist regime, as proclaimed by Fidel Castro himself. It is a murderous, perennial abuser of human rights…
(And note that) the American embargo does not prevent the world’s 195-plus other countries from trading with Cuba. For example, Canada and Spain have for decades prolifically traded with Cuba. The American embargo has never prevented food and medicines from reaching Cuba...What is shocking to me (in the face of this evidence) is how some Americans and one dominant U.S. political party actively advocate for socialism.”
“All these measures and actions of the government were accompanied by a demonization of capitalism, private enterprise and money making. Business enterprises, as well as money, were considered evil…Two years after the beginning of the revolution the economy entered into a major down spiral.
Massive unemployment developed; inflation became out of control; all commercial and industrial production was paralyzed. The country rapidly followed this socialist phase with a Marxist-Leninist period with rationing of most products, militarization of society, alliance with the Soviet Union, conflict with the United States and the migration of more than 2 million Cubans. The economy never recovered. The middle and upper classes were destroyed, and the workers joined the ranks of the unemployed, underemployed or of the state, working for miserable wages.”
I mentioned my Cuban-American friends. One man noted that his father was a successful businessperson, a beachfront property owner, a man who later lost everything. His father saw it coming and with heavy heart made an incredible sacrifice for the good of his son, putting him on a boat to America, knowing he’d likely never see him again. The freedom, well-being, family, and faith my friend enjoys today would literally not have been possible without the irreversible gut-wrenching decision of his father.
Look at Florida and imagine what Cuba could have been. A free and democratic Cuba with a free enterprise economy would today be one of the wealthier nations in the world. Think of the resorts and villas in the Caribbean—celebrity and vacation homes in Jamaica, The Bahamas, Antigua and Barbuda, US Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos, St. Barts, not to mention scores of privately held island getaways. But for socialist control and decimation, Cuba could be enjoying the same investment, the same prosperity.
Instead, Cuba’s experience is one of food rationing, fuel shortages, electricity blackouts, severe energy shortages, including gasoline and diesel, other petroleum derivatives, decreased use of automobiles, and an overall shrinking economy that introduced hardships and misery to the declining middle class and the poor.
All of this was made decidedly worse during the so-called Special Period, “an extended period of economic crisis in Cuba that began in 1991 primarily due to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.”
“People were forced to live without many goods and services that had been available since the beginning of the 20th century.” The period lasted to about 2000 when Venezuela emerged as a new trading partner.
“Cuba has a very sad history. It traded a regular dictatorship for a communist dictatorship six decades ago, and the results have been predictably awful. Oppression, persecution, rationing, spying, deprivation, and suffering are facts of life.”
Socialism, the false ideology that markets the supposed genius of government leaders is nothing more than a masquerade for coercion, tyranny, and theft – what’s yours is mine.
Many debate whether the United States is today a socialist economy and country. “More recently Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a handful of other politicians have breathed new life into the label, injecting a radical alternate vision for the U.S. economy into the mainstream political debate.”
“Many think of socialism as no private property whatsoever, complete equality and the government controlling everything. That's communism - socialism is government control of only certain industries such as healthcare, education, or energy. In a socialist country, people privately own most things, but the government owns some other things. While communism promotes complete equality, socialism works to curb inequality with higher taxes on the wealthy.“
In America, the odd thing about socialism is that it seems to have the nine lives of a cat, never seeming to go away even though its historical record is one of abject suffering, misery, and failure, and in some cases evil.
The reason is that socialism is a litany of wrong ideas, values, and corruption. Governments that control capital are a half step from controlling people. Since socialism depends upon government, the ideology usually leads to authoritarianism. See North Korea and Venezuela.
Socialism destroys competition, and with it, incentive, accountability, and a fair determination of value. Socialism creates large bureaucracies that soon operate for their own concerns, emphasizing means over ends.
“Force, and all of the negative consequences that it inspires, is inherent to a system that is so much at odds with individual values and human nature. This, probably more than anything else, is what explains the atrocities associated with socialism in the 20th century.” The bottom line is, socialism does not work, and Cuba is exhibit #A in the Western Hemisphere.
Cuba is a story of what might have been. God grant that the US remains a story of what ought to be.
Well, we’ll see you again soon. This podcast is about Discerning What Is Best. If you find this thought-provoking and helpful, follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Download an episode for your friends. For more Christian commentary, check my website, r-e-x-m as in Martin, that’s rexmrogers.com.
And remember, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2023
*This podcast blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact me or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com/, or connect with me at www.linkedin.com/in/rexmrogers.
If you’ve lived very long as an adult, you’ve probably incurred some personal debt, but how much debt, and is it good or bad debt?
Hi, I’m Rex Rogers and this is episode #43 of Discerning What Is Best, a podcast applying unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, and a Christian worldview to current issues and everyday life.
Debt is now commonplace in contemporary postmodern culture. Nearly everyone is in some way engaged in some form of debt.
There was a time, though, before the 1960s, when debt, especially living beyond ones means, was considered morally questionable or at least unwise. Politicians worked to balance budgets. Individuals and families labored to avoid bad debt and get out of debt.
Now, it seems, American culture not only tolerates but embraces debt. We think we are entitled to live the good life, i.e., what we can’t afford as presented to us by online influencers, the beautiful people, and celebrities. We want to be like them. We want affluence and the materialistic stuff that goes with it. So, charge it.
Personal credit cards are maxed out. In 2022, there are 537 million credit card accounts in the US, up 6% or 32 million, since 2021. Just before the pandemic in 2020, total credit card debt reached $893 billion, but it climbed to $71 billion in 2021. Meanwhile, average credit card interest rates are a usurious 16.59%.
Eighty percent of Americans have consumer debt, amounting to $14.6 trillion in personal debt. In 2021, the average American has $90,460 in debt according to CNBC.
Conservative financial guru David Ramsey is very opposed to the idea of owing money to a lender in any shape or form. Not only does he think consumers should ditch credit cards and pay for purchases in cash, he believes it's ideal to purchase a car outright rather than secure an auto loan. Ramsey recently tweeted that the only good debt is debt that is PAID OFF.
Ramsey is strict when it comes to debt. He’s not necessarily wrong, just difficult for some to reach this level, but if they can, more power to them. I know at least three families who say Ramsey’s counsel helped them early in their marriages and is responsible for their financial stability now.
Most financial advisors, though, consider mortgages good debt because they feature reasonable interest rates, and because they mean one owns an asset, equity. Auto loans might be considered good debt. While cars don't tend to appreciate, they do make it possible for people to drive to work and earn a living.
That’s a look at the micro level – personal debt. Now let’s look at the macro level – national debt.
As of January 2022, the US National Debt stands at $30 trillion plus for the first time ever. If you want to scare yourself, go to usdebtclock.org and look at the US National Debt Clock. The digital display moves faster than you can count the dollars aloud. On the same page, the US Gross Domestic Product logs at $24,813T plus and climbing rapidly. The US total debt is over $92,229T, and it too was increasing before my eyes faster than I could count or comprehend.
“Debt held by the public as a share of GDP peaked just after World War II (113% of GDP in 1945) but then fell over the following 35 years. In recent decades, aging demographics and rising healthcare costs have led to concern about the long-term sustainability of the federal government's fiscal policies…
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government spent trillions in virus aid and economic relief…At the end of 2020, debt held by the public was approximately 99.3% of GDP, and approximately 37% of this public debt was owned by foreigners.” It’s called external debt. The United States has the largest external debt in the world.
Neither Democrats or Republicans can claim to be great budget managers who keep the national debt at some manageable level.
As a culture, the American people have become profligate. That’s p-r-o-f-l-i-g-a-t-e. Profligate. It means “given to or characterized by licentiousness or dissipation, morally wrong,” or “given to or characterized by reckless waste; wildly extravagant” or “spending money or using something in a way that wastes it and is not wise.”
Postmodern Americans seem to want their cake and eat it too. They want, regardless of the cost to themselves, their nation’s wellbeing, or their progeny.
But what we do with money, individually and as a society, is a profound moral issue. Jesus made it clear that whatever our station, since God owns everything, we are merely stewards. Thus, we are accountable to God for how we manage our assets.
Scripture never says debt is a sin, but it does strongly state that debt is dangerous: “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender. (Prov. 22:7).
Remember that 37% of US debt that is currently held by foreign interests? It’s not a comforting thought.
In a sermon entitled, “The Use of Money,” delivered in 1789, great early American preacher John Wesley said, “Earn all you can. Save all you can. Give all you can.” It’s difficult to do this if we go into irresponsible levels of debt.
Scripture also states that one is responsible for one’s debts: “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another” (Rom. 13:8). “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously” (Ps 37:21).
Scripture indicates we are each blessed by God with time, talent, and treasure, and we are accountable to him for the stewardship of our livelihood that makes it possible for us to care for our families. The Bible is, after all, the source of the famed Protestant Work Ethic that helped propel the development of Western Civilization.
Recently, President Biden announced an extensive student loan “forgiveness” program. The idea is that somehow letting selected students out of their financial obligations would be a good thing for them.
But unless you are the one who extended the funds and hold the I.O.U., forgiving debt does not make it go away. In the case of the student loan “forgiveness,” it simply transfers the debt to the American taxpayer, including those who scrimped and sacrificed to pay off their own loans. The student loan “forgiveness,” therefore, can only be seen for what it is, a ploy to buy votes, a grossly inequitable governmental action, and a disincentive to pay off loans for those who go into debt in the future.
Student loans are generally among the lowest interest rates. When I was in graduate school in 1978-1982, we took out two loans because I wanted to march right through the program and get the degrees, rather than stop out for a time to save for the next semester. This worked for us, but for the next ten years we paid $68 per month to take care of our obligations. Because student loan rates are typically lower, than for example financing a car, whenever we had funds to add to our payments, we put this into the car, not the student loan. Consequently, to pay it off took the full ten years. I remember when my wife and I celebrated the final payment.
When we load up on debt, personally or nationally, we mortgage our children’s and our grandchildren’s futures. This is immoral.
Knowingly incurring debt beyond our means, personal or national, is a matter of want more than need. It allows our desires to rule our hearts and our actions, and somehow, we convince ourselves we will never have to pay the piper.
But the believer who lives “Christianly” remembers scripture: “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, ‘Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you’” (Heb 13:5).
Well, we’ll see you again soon. This podcast is about Discerning What Is Best. If you find this thought-provoking and helpful, follow us on your favorite podcast platform. Download an episode for your friends. For more Christian commentary, check my website, r-e-x-m as in Martin, that’s rexmrogers.com.
And remember, it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2022
*This podcast blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact me or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com/, or connect with me at www.linkedin.com/in/rexmrogers.
The toll is now 38.6 M Americans unemployed due not to Covid-19 as claimed by most media coverage but due to state governors’ executive order shutdowns. Meanwhile, not one governor is out of a paycheck.
Peggy Noonan noted, “On Tuesday Pennsylvania’s Tom Wolf said in a press briefing that those pushing against the shutdown are cowards. Local officials who ‘cave in to this coronavirus’ will pay a price in state funding. ‘These folks are choosing to desert in the face of the enemy. In the middle of a war.’ He said he’ll pull state certificates such as liquor licenses for any businesses that open. Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer called anti-lockdown demonstrations ‘racist and misogynistic.’ She called the entire movement ‘political.’
Maybe some protestors fit Governor Whitmer's description, but not most and this is not the message most protestors were trying to convey. They were saying they are worried and facing very real financial catastrophe. Meanwhile, she plays the victim, changes the goalpost of what she says she’s trying to accomplish via her executive orders, and continues to hold tight to the reins. While people have no job, no paycheck as a direct offshoot of her shutdown polices, she still has a job and collects her check.
Protestors are also portrayed as anti-American rabble: “But this is what they’re getting in return: ‘Coronavirus protesters turn the American flag into a symbol of selfishness.’ In other words: Fight for freedom — fight for a return to saner times — fight for the Constitution, for self-sufficiency, for any of the rights that have been long-cherished, long-held in this country as God-given — and that’s ‘selfish.’”
Jobs are purportedly the concern of both the Left and the Right, but state governors have willingly deep-sixed consideration of the ripple effects of their shutdown polices in the name of public health. Now that so many governors have taken such extreme positions it’s making it harder for any of them to backtrack because, in their minds, it makes it look like they are backing down, or worse, that they were wrong all along.
Without yielding to cynicism, it seems likely the shutdowns would not have lasted as long as they have and would not yet be in place if governors had also lost their jobs and paychecks.
History is going to judge these statewide lockdowns harshly.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2020
*This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact me or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com/, or connect with me at www.linkedin.com/in/rexmrogers.
The impact of statewide stay-at-home orders, or lockdown, in the US has thus far resulted in 36.5 million people losing their jobs.
“The pandemic shutdown has piled on the economic agony, with 52% of lower-income adults saying they or someone in their household have lost a job or taken a pay cut during the outbreak, according to the Pew Research Center."
About 1 in 5 small businesses may not make it into a post-pandemic market. While some economists suggest nearly half of all small businesses will close permanently by the end of this year due to the coronavirus crisis response.
It’s a Humpty Dumpty economy if there ever was one.
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.”
So here we are now, trying to phase in reopening but facing a Humpty Dumpty economy that “had a great fall, i.e., was broken by over-zealous politicians, particularly state governors and big city mayors in their desire to make people safe by quarantining healthy people.
I’ve noted before, we’re suffering from inverted logic. To date about 1.6 million C-19 cases have been recorded in the US, with about 90,000 deaths. Meanwhile, 36.5 million have lost jobs since February—some economists saying less than half of these jobs won’t come back—which will result in greater personal and societal suffering. Many unemployed haven’t seen a nickel of unemployment benefits or federal relief funds. And this says nothing about delayed “non-essential” medical care.
So, with an understandable, maybe even compassionate, and give some the benefit of the doubt and say humane, desire to protect people from a pandemic, politicians acted with the advice of public health and medical “experts.” Problem is, many of them acted in unprecedented overreach, walked over civil liberties as if these historic ideals, principles, and legal guarantees didn’t really matter, strong-armed citizens and churches, and much more of considerable concern.
Meanwhile, there was another way: South Dakota never enacted a lockdown. The state recorded four cases per 100,000 people, lowest in the nation and the lowest job losses in the nation. And South Dakota citizens gave Gov. Kristi Noem a well-deserved parade. She took media abuse but stuck to her well-articulated position. She is a too rare, independent thinking politician, one I hope we hear more from in the future.
Jobs provide not only income but focus and purpose. Long-term unemployment is a crisis in itself. But in a Humpty Dumpty economy people suffer from more than loss of income. Some face more domestic abuse at home and a host of other social pathologies increase, including suicide.
Stay-at-home, shelter-in-place, lockdown policies, though possibly helpful in slowing the spread of C-19 or flattening the curve in some areas—the jury is really out on whether this is scientifically demonstrable—has nevertheless created a host of ripple-effect-problems of their own.
Any chance of successfully putting our Humpty Dumpty economy back together is certainly dependent upon reopening as quickly as possible.
State governors need to get people back to work, meaning rescind stay-at-home orders ASAP.
The American people can rise to the occasion of this layered crisis…if they are given the opportunity to do so.
For governors to insist upon extending lockdowns into June is to flaunt their legally suspect authority and to tempt increasingly angry, desperate individuals to go “too far” in protests that can create contexts for violence.
With the advent of warmer weather in the North people are going to reach the end of their rope and allow frustration to boil over, or they are simply going to ignore “orders” and thus be in a position of civil disobedience whether or not they chose to do so. Some county sheriffs and local police chiefs are already defying governors, mayors or councils, saying they will not enforce stay-at-home orders. This may be understandable in terms of a point of view, but it is a development fraught with potential disorder and violence.
Humpty Dumpty can be put back together again but for this to happen, we need pandemic governors to help not hinder us.
© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2020
*This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact me or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com/, or connect with me at www.linkedin.com/in/rexmrogers.