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gamblingbookcover.jpg Published first as Seducing America: Is Gambling a Good Bet? (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1997), this book was updated and revised as Gambling: Don't Bet On It (Grand Rapids: Kregel Books, 2005). The book is available from Kregel Publications, Amazon.com, or Christian bookstores anywhere.

In 1988, except for a few scattered racetracks, legal gambling was only available in two states: Nevada and Atlantic City, New Jersey. Today, following the Federal Indian Gaming Regulatory Act of 1988, gambling has gone mainstream and only two states remain where gambling is not legal: Hawaii and Utah. Lotteries, multi-state Lotto, casinos, racetracks, "racinos" (racetracks+ casinos), OTB, video poker, and more have become the "go-to" source for revenue when state legislators look for new funds to cover ever-larger government expenses. Gambling is politically marketed as a boon to the 4 "E's": economy (jobs), education, environment, or elderly.

But gambling never ultimately benefits an individual or a community. In the end, everyone loses except those who own the gambling operations. "The House" always has an edge, and even problem gamblers know this, saying "You can win a race, but you can't beat the races."

Gambling: Don't Bet On It makes the case that legalized commercial gambling is bad economics, bad politics, bad nonprofit fundraising, and bad morality.


This book is a personal manifesto, sharing what it means to live for the Lord in a rapidly changing culture while not succumbing to the "culture wars." Christian Liberty: Living for God in a Changing Culture (Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 2003)--republished as an ebook Living for God in Changing Times (Unlikely Leaders, 2011)--applies a biblically Christian philosophy of life or worldview to social change. In other words, this book details unchanging biblical principles in a rapidly changing world, principles and perspectives that may be employed in all times, countries, and cultures.

One of the greatest challenges facing the Christian Church in the early 21st Century is its seeming inability to deal with rapid social change. What must we hang onto and what must we let go? How do we live In the World while being Not of the World, and then go Into the World as Jesus commanded in John 17? How do we discern truth from error? How do we live faithfully and productively with the ever-present In-the-World/Not-of-the-World Tension?

Christian Liberty, perhaps the least understood and least applied doctrine in the Bible, is the answer for how to live for God in a rapidly changing culture. The book is available via Amazon.com.


Selected Ebooks:

Today You Do Greatness: A Parable On Success And Significance, co-authored with Rick E. Amidon (ebook, Unlikely Leaders, 2011).

Living For God In Changing Times (ebook, Unlikely Leaders, 2011).


Selected Newspaper Articles:

"Waging War, Pursuing Peace," West Michigan Christian News, (October 2012).

"Stewardship Is About More Than Money," West Michigan Christian News, (September 2012).

"Superstition As An Antidote To Fear?" West Michigan Christian News, (August 2012).

"Confused Christians: Jews Versus Arabs Or Arabs And Jews," West Michigan Christian News, (July 2012).

"Everyone Has A Backstory," West Michigan Christian News, (May 2012).

"Even The Lone Ranger Didn't Go It Alone," West Michigan Christian News, (April 2012).

"American Ambition Asked And Answered," West Michigan Christian News, (April 2012).

"Men and Women in the Workplace," West Michigan Christian News, (March 2012).

"Five Things Grandkids Wished Their Grandparents Knew," West Michigan Christian News, (February 2012).

"Five Things Grandparents Wished Their Grandkids Knew," West Michigan Christian News, (February 2012).

"Why America Should Revisit Civic Education," West Michigan Christian News, (January 2012).

"The 'Immigrant Problem,'" West Michigan Christian News (December 2011).

"Grandpa's Life, Legacy, and Living Letters," West Michigan Christian News (October 2011).

"To Tattoo Or Not To Tattoo? Up To You?" West Michigan Christian News (September 2011).

"What Robinson Crusoe Teaches Us About Adversity," West Michigan Christian News (August 2011).

"Christian Thinking and Thinking Christians," West Michigan Christian News (August 2011).

"Does A President's Religion Matter?" West Michigan Christian News (June 2011).

"Aging Gracefully, Graciously, and Godly," West Michigan Christian News (June 2011).

"Sharing Good News In The Middle East," KC Metro Voice (May 2011), p. 2.

"How Tiger Woods Can Reboot His Life," West Michigan Christian News (May 2011).

"West Meets Middle East--Oh, So Much To Learn," West Michigan Christian News (April 2011).

"Be Sure Your Sins Will Find You Out--Especially In A Cyber Age," West Michigan Christian News (March 2011).

"Money Madness," West Michigan Christian News (February 2011).

"Praise God For Animals," West Michigan Christian News (January 2011).

"Christmas Memories," West Michigan Christian News (December 2010).

"Homosexuality Gone Mainstream--What Now?" West Michigan Christian News (November 2010).

"Why We're Never Lucky," West Michigan Christian News (October 2010).

"Pardon My French," West Michigan Christian News (September 2010).

“Burial, Cremation, and the Afterlife,” West Michigan Christian News, (August 2010).

“Patriotic Perspectives,” West Michigan Christian News, (July 2010).

“Costfree Healthcare,” West Michigan Christian News, (June 2010).

“21st Century Slavery—Human Trafficking,” West Michigan Christian News, (May 2010).

“How to Avoid Being ‘Stuffocated,’” West Michigan Christian News, (April, 2010).

“Responding to Betrayal,” West Michigan Christian News, (March 2010).

“Followers of Jesus, Muslims, and Ministry,” West Michigan Christian News, (February 2010).

“New Year’s Resolutions 2010,” West Michigan Christian News, (January 2010).

“What’s the Christian View of Immigration?” The West Michigan Christian, (April 2008).

“Celebrating One’s Own Greatest Generation,” The West Michigan Christian, (July 2007).


Selected Ezine or Website Articles:

"Nonprofit Postcard Advancement," November 18, 2011.

"Talking A Person Into Serving On A Nonprofit Board," April 22, 2011.

"A Dozen Ways to Improve Your Speaking," Aug. 6, 2010.

"Some Collected Wisdom on Writing and Publishing," April 1, 2010.

"Developing Your Organization's Vision," Feb. 26, 2010.

"Changing Your Organization's Name," Feb. 12, 2010.

"Leadership Myths and Demons," Feb. 2, 2010.

"Unlikely Leaders," Feb. 2, 2010.

"What's It Look Like When Leaders Don't Lead," July 15, 2008.

"What I Needed From My Chief Development Officer When I Was A Nonprofit CEO," July 15, 2008.

"Why Nonprofits Don't Raise More Funds," June 20, 2008

“Expelled:  No Intelligence Allowed (Why Ben Stein says “No Lie Lives Forever.”)” (March 17, 2008); and (March 19, 2008); and The West Michigan Christian, (April 2008).

"How A CEO Knows It's Time to Go," Mar. 24, 2008.

"Creating Advisory Councils - The Nonprofit Organization's Path to Progress," Mar. 18, 2008.

"Developing a College or University Mace," Mar. 10, 2008.

"Nonprofit Organization President Search To-Do List," Feb. 28, 2008.

"What Pastors Need to Know about Gambling,” Rick Warren’s Ministry Toolbox, (January 30, 2007).