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Last winter I began to feel like I was behind the curve on some things that seemed to me to be important to what I am supposed to do professionally. So since that time I've tried to learn a few "new media" and "social media" skills, among them how to:

--shoot and edit video in iMovie, then post it on YouTube,

--develop a YouTube or Vimeo channel,

--post audio and video files on websites or in emails,

--develop video blogs - "vlogs,"

--use website content management systems,

--burn CD or DVDs, including construct menus – yep, I'd never done this, but I have now,

--use Twitter, HootSuite or TweetDeck etc, iTunes, or construct/launch cause-related Facebook pages,

--use QR codes,

--use eReaders like Nook or Kindle, or use ebook software like iBooks, Kindle, Adobe Digital Editions,

--construct and use e-applications of audiobooks,

--acquire ISBN numbers for books and ebooks,

--construct ebooks, and then post, market, and sell them on Amazon Kindle.

I write this not to brag but to say it's been fun and productive. And more importantly, to suggest that I believe all of us should keep learning as much as we can about new/social media. Why? The more we know the better and more knowledgeably we can interact with our children, grandchildren, and culture.

I'm not a pro on any of this. But like learning PowerPoint a few years back, learning how to do basics gives me more freedom in my work and helps me talk to people who know more, so I can ask them to create what I need.

In addition, in the past couple of months I've gotten close-in looks at a couple of other ministry organizations. And frankly, I was amazed to discover how uninformed, unprepared, "behind," and thus unable most of the staff were in terms of new or social media. They didn't know how to do or use much of anything, and I thought then that our staff at SAT-7 USA could run circles around them. But of course we all need to keep learning.

So I write this piece not with an action plan or a to-do list but to encourage you to keep looking for ways to learn to do "new things." The learning curve might sometimes be taxing, but the end result will almost always enrich your professional experience, benefit you personally, and certainly benefit the ministry.

BTW, the old educator in me thinks that one of the things we're going to be doing for eternity in heaven is…learning. Think about it: we're going to hang out with the Omniscient Sovereign God who is never going to run out of cool things to teach us. We're going to learn, which is to say we’re going to go to school forever. Sounds good to me.


© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2011

*This blog may be reproduced in whole or in part with a full attribution statement. Contact Rex or read more commentary on current issues and events at www.rexmrogers.com or follow him at www.twitter.com/RexMRogers.