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This 1:29 min video reminds us that the coronavirus pandemic is not partisan, but it is providential.

Is it absurd to ask the question, is public health partisan or providential?


Is public health partisan? The short answer is, No.

But it would be naïve to think politicians don’t do a political calculus on what their actions might do for their careers.

This, however, is not a diatribe against politicians, though partisanship does get old. This is about Christians seeing the big picture in a public health crisis.

No one would pray for something like the coronavirus pandemic. No one wants their loved ones infected. Yet God can turn evil to good.

Christians ought to see the pandemic as an opportunity to glorify God by ministering to others.

In centuries past through numerous plagues, Christians did not succumb to flight or fright but stayed long, served long, suffered long.

Christians provided medical and compassion assistance to everyone, not just people of the faith.

Christians first established hospitals in Europe.

Christians recognized that when plagues did cause them to flee, the diaspora helped spread not the plague but Christianity.

No, pandemics are not partisan, but they are providential.

© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2020

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