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This 2:10 min video considers how SAT-7 can minister during the coronavirus pandemic.



The Coronavirus pandemic has pushed governments to call for shutdowns, including churches closing their doors and families sheltering-in-place.

These are circumstances with which we in Europe and the United States are not familiar.

But these kinds of challenges are old news in the Middle East and North Africa.

In this region— religion, rulers, and regimes have long shuttered churches, restricted freedom of religion and mobility, and periodically persecuted congregations.

Meanwhile SAT-7, broadcasting throughout 25 countries in the Middle East and North Africa, understands how to connect with people via satellite technology and social media in the relative safety of their own homes.

While churches in the West are moving to online services SAT-7 has been doing this for years to support the MENA Church.

Now, while we’re all subject to travel restrictions, there are no restrictions on media distribution.

SAT-7 ministers every day to people who are sheltering in place, socially distanced, or isolated.

Our friend in Beirut, Pastor Hikmat Kashouh recently said, “Today, (our church) is 1,000 churches. That’s because every house is now a church, following our service and worshiping the Lord. Through SAT-7 we can reach everyone. The Coronavirus may disperse us, but the Lord gathers us and unites us through His spirit around His Holy Word.”

This is SAT-7’s unique opportunity, a lifeline for the Church for such a time as this.

You can be part of this lifeline for the Arab, Iranian, and Turkish people.

Please consider a special gift for SAT-7’s ministry. Perhaps $670 for a broadcasting day sponsorship.

Together, we can bring encouragement to isolated Arab, Farsi and Turkish speaking people, sharing the Gospel directly into the living rooms of millions of homes.

© Rex M. Rogers – All Rights Reserved, 2020

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