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Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.” Longer I live, the more I comprehend this.

People keep asking, What is happening to our country? It’s like the end of the world as we knew it. 

Perhaps the world is “ending” as we’ve known it, but if you apply Solomon’s point, what we’re now experiencing is nothing new. 

Yes, we’re becoming a more pagan culture. But Job, the Israelites, the Apostles during the Roman Empire, Augustine and the Early Church, the Reformers during the Dark Ages, all lived in pagan societies. 

So the paganizing culture emerging in America is more a norm of history than an exception. Why is this good, or can be?

—Under duress, Christian faith is more sharply delineated.

—God uses adversity to grow, strengthen, bless, and encourage the Church. 

—Light shines brighter in darkness.

This is our moment. “Let us not become weary in doing good.”


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