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We’ve heard a lot of talk and watched protests and riots these past few weeks re race, injustice, and avoidable, senseless, and unnecessary police killing of Black people.

And indeed, there are serious racial issues in the US that warrant social discussion, and change.

But the preborn are the most forgotten, marginalized human beings today.

Since Roe vs Wade (1973), abortions continue at a pace that should boggle the mind and sicken the heart of any sane, moral person. 

Abortion infanticide, a redundant phrase, is a travesty of epic proportions in the US, “nearly 2,400 every day. Ninety-eight babies every hour. About one baby every twelve seconds. Innocent human beings are dismembered, poisoned, crushed, harvested for organs, put in trash cans, and disposed of in the name of ‘women’s rights’ and ‘the right to choose.’”

Since the legalization of abortion in the U.S., more than 61 million babies have been slaughtered.

Reported abortions have been on the decrease, according to USAFactsdropping from 817,906 in 2004 to 638,169 in 2015. The plurality of abortions – about 44% – occur in the first 8 weeks of pregnancy.” This is good news. It means the US is killing about 180,000 people fewer per year than it did. Still, hundreds of thousands of lives are being snuffed out.

This happens day after day, week after week, and the church largely remains silent.”

One would think religious people, Christians in particular, would be demanding change. But “according to Pew Research, one third of evangelical protestants, sixty percent of mainline protestants, and forty eight percent of Catholics believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases.” 

The Church, the religious, and avowed Christians, are largely silent. It’s what Francis A. Schaeffer warned us about before he passed in 1984, that people in the West would trade their liberties and just about anything else for “personal peace and affluence.” As long as abortion doesn’t affect us, then it doesn’t affect us. We go along our peaceful affluent way.

I should also note that Planned Parenthood continues its masquerade, killing babies, especially minority babies, in the name of women’s health. “Black babies are aborted at a higher rate than they are born. No other race comes close to the abortion rate of Black Americans.” 

Abortion is the number one killer of African Americans in the US. This is injustice. This is racism. This is sin. 

Partial birth abortion and post-delivery or born-alive abortions continue, as does “abortion on demand.” Oregon became the first state to offer free abortions to all, including illegal aliens.

Abortion is not about women’s rights or health. Both can be thoroughly and effectively addressed without taking another person’s life, and of course babies come from somewhere, which is to say the sex in which a woman and man chose to engage – that’s where I am “pro-choice.”

Abortion is barbaric, no less so simply because we don’t see pictures of the body dismemberment or baby-in-the-womb writhing away from the suction device. 

Abortion is a direct rebuke of the fundamental constitutional value of a person’s right to Life, in this case an innocent and helpless baby. This is the quintessential definition of injustice.

Abortion is systematically and disproportionately killing Black Americans. This is the definition of racism.

Abortion ruthlessly kills human beings made in the image of God. This is sin.

Every adult who can vote should vote for candidates who support and protect life, who are consistently and without apology anti-abortion, who will work to overturn Roe vs Wade, who believe in the precious and ultimate value of Life.

If unborn lives don’t matter, no lives matter


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